Who is behind Project Kea?
Project Kea is an initiative from the joint venture partnership between Renew Energy Limited (NZ) and China Tianying Incorporated (China). This partnership, called South Island Resource Recovery Limited (SIRRL), brings together international expertise to consent, construct and operate the first Energy-from-Waste plant in New Zealand. CNTY incorporated European subsidiary, EUZY, owns 19% of SIRRL.
SIRRL is a world-leader in the waste management space with proven European technology that exceeds any current practise or proposed technology in dealing with greenhouse gas emissions.
Renew Energy Limited (REL) is a New Zealand company that provides sustainable and tangible diversion solutions for waste destined for landfill in New Zealand. REL is committed to providing alternatives to landfill as a safe and sustainable solution to waste disposal. For the past three years REL has carried out extensive research and feasibility assessment for the establishment of the first Energy-from-Waste plant in New Zealand.
China Tianying (CNTY) is an international environmental management corporation. Its businesses extend from industrial research and design, urban services, waste disposal, equipment manufacturing to developing intelligent management platforms. CNTY bring global knowledge and professional expertise to the joint venture.
About the proposed plant
Investigations have begun into the viability of building an Energy-from-Waste plant that will safely convert 365,000 tonnes of waste, that would otherwise be dumped into South Island landfills annually, into renewable electricity.
Under Project Kea, South Island Resource Recovery Limited (SIRRL), a joint venture bringing together New Zealand expertise with world-leading European and Chinese waste technology, is looking at possible sites to build an Energy-from-Waste plant near Waimate in South Canterbury.
Using world-leading best available technology and the most stringent environmental management practices, we propose to produce a significant amount of renewable energy to be provided as steam and electricity for local industry and communities in the region.
Waste materials that are delivered to the plant for disposal will be contained within a negative pressure bunker storage environment which eliminates any possibility of any odour from the plant. All emissions from the processing of the waste will meet strict air quality and noise standards set by central government and the regional council.
Resource consent reports
Below are some reports on Project Kea prepared by SIRRL and independent experts. Please note that this is not the formal resource consent application but the reports have been provided for further information.
The areas these reports cover include:
Human Health; Air Quality; Waste Acceptance Criteria; Flood Risk; Visual Design; Transport Movements; Noise levels; Life Cycle (global warming potential of the plant when compared to alternative landfill); and the Project Kea’s projected Economic Benefits.
Appendix A - Resource Consent Application
Appendix B - Record of Title
Appendix C - Application Drawing Set
Appendix D - Letters of Support
Project Kea: Energy-from-Waste Planning Report
Technical Report 1 - Operational and Technical Overview (Babbage Consultants)
Technical Report 2 - Preliminary Site Investigation (Babbage Consultants)
Technical Report 3 - Hazardous Substances (Babbage Consultants)
Technical Report 4 - Landscape Assessment (Brown NZ)
Technical Report 5 - Air Quality Assessment (Pattle Delamore Partners - PDP)
Technical Report 6 - Human Health Risk Assessment (Environmental Risk Sciences)
Technical Report 7 - Acoustic Assessment (SLR Consulting)
Technical Report 8 - Transportation Assessment (Commute Transportation Consultants)
Technical Report 9 - Life Cycle Analysis (SLR Consulting)
Technical Report 10 - Economic Impact Assessment (Infometrics)
Technical Report 11 - Flood Risk Assessment (Babbage Consultants)
Technical Report 12 - Stormwater Assessment (Babbage Consultants)
Technical Report 13 - Earthworks (Babbage Consultants)
Technical Report 14 - Domestic Wastewater (Babbage Consultants)
Technical Report 15 - Electrical Safe Distance (Babbage Consultants)
Technical Report 16 - Waste Acceptance Criteria (Renew Energy Limited - REL)
Technical Report 17 - Groundwater and Surface Water Assessment (Babbage Consultants)
Technical Report 18 - Consultation
Technical Report 19 - Land Use Classification (Babbage Consultants)